Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Okay, I'm quite the slacker! I know. But, we've had a few computer problems, and with a mixture of laziness, I haven't been able to keep up with the blog. But, I'm repenting, and now quickly filling you in some events....

Well, only one. August 8, 2009. John turns 25. And he has some what freaked out a little because he is now a quarter of a century. We made plans with his family and decided to spend the weekend at Bear Lake. Our plans consisted of typical camping activities, and boating at the lake. But, Mother Nature decided to put a twist on things, and the morning of John's glorious day, we woke up to freezing cold weather. Mind you, it's August. And the news said that day was a new record low high of 62 degrees. COLD! Luckily, we did pack some hoodies. And very luckily, our brother-in-law, Luke, had some connections for us to change boating into 4-wheeling. We had a ball. Here are pics to document the event...

Our adorable niece helping John open presents.

The Hottie McNaughty.

Luke and John. John thought he was a cowboy this weekend. Some mid-life crisis thing.

Picture too cute to leave out. Grace loves taking self-portraits.

John blowing out his birthday... match.

Proof of everyone there.

1 comment:

jhjonze said...

Way to repent. I really like you!