Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1, 2010

It's June. And because it's a summer month, I woke up today expecting something like...

Instead, I woke up to something like...
And it made me feel something like...
Don't get me wrong. Usually I love the rain, because it make me fantasize about something like...

But we've had so much rain here, that I'm ready for something like...
So, to make me feel something like...
I purchased myself something like...
...With fries and a large drink. So now I feel something like...
So now to feel normal, later today I have to do something like...

Extra hard! All because the month of June stared out something like...
And how has your day been?


Emma said...

I hate when the weather makes me exercise...oh wait, that has never happened to me. Occasionally, I hear a voice in my head telling me to get out there and do something active with my ever growing body...but I can usually shut her up with a french fry or two.

jhjonze said...

I really like you!

Melissa said...

i love your clever post. It's exactly how my thought process works sometimes, except yours is illustrated much better!

Luke, Marie & Brody said...

Did you make that up yourself? I never knew you were so creative! But I loved it!

Cindy said...

You are too funny! This post made my whole day... maybe even my whole year!!
You are too cute!
PS You still havent called for a sitter!! :)

Erin Brady said...

I knew you were funny, but that was freakin' hilarious! I literally have tears running down my face. Bytheway, you little girl is super cute.