Monday, January 25, 2010

Grandmas and Grandpas

First of all, Hadley got to meet her cousin Miles. Miles was born 19 days before Hadley. And yes, that is how we caught Hadley on film. I guess she really isn't our daughter unless she pulls faces at a camera!
This is Hadley and her cousin Brody with Grandma and Grandpa Fraidenburg. Brody is 2 months older than Hadley.
This picture is adorable of Hadley and her Grandma Mary.
This is a picture of Hadley and Grandpa Poulsen. This is what my dad would do with us when we were little. Rock us both to sleep. It's cute to see that he does it with his grand kids now.

It's not too often that we get to enjoy a few 4 generation pictures...
John (dad) Dave (grandpa) Pam (great-grandma) and Hadley
Kristy (grandma) Virginia (great-grandma) Tina (mom) and Hadley.


jhjonze said...

Tina you look amazing. Hadley is beautiful and way to be on top of the 4 generation pictures!

Luke, Marie & Brody said...

So cute! I just love our little babies! I can't wait until they are old enough to play with each other! That will be so much fun!

Luke, Marie & Brody said...

So I know I already commented, but I keep coming back to look at the face mini Tina is making! So funny!!! Makes me laugh every time!!!